
Serial Communication Between Max/MSP and Arduino Using the ‘Serial’ Object

July 13th, 2010

I needed a script to send multiple values from Max/MSP to an Arduino to control a few components. After researching for a viable solution for my application, I had discovered that it is really easy to interface Max/MSP with an Arduino microcontroller by simply using the ‘serial‘ object built-in into Max/MSP’s objects library.

Screenshot of Arduino to Max/MSP patch

Screenshot of Arduino to Max/MSP patch

arduino-to-max.maxpat (Save Link As…) (more…)

The Funny Side of Technology

March 25th, 2010
Image courtesy of Bekathwia

Image courtesy of Bekathwia

I think it is safe to say that for most of us, our relationship with technology is a love-hate affair. Tech gadgets that start out as luxuries quickly become must-have necessities. I have become hooked on invention, ingenuity, and innovative products over the past few weeks while doing research for my thesis at ITP. The question I keep asking myself is whether these problem-solving products actually make the world a better place?


10 Interactive Video Art Projects that Get Physical with Screens

February 8th, 2010

People have always loved watching screens. The video screen has surged where people love this window onto a whole new world of possibility and opportunity. We are increasingly feeling this attraction with screens. Over the past decade we have seen the emergence of more and more screens with serious multimedia capabilities. Today, we use screens for informing, communicating, entertaining, and connecting. The following are ten of my favorite interactive video art projects that I believe make strong emotional connections with people using screens.

1. Potent Objects
Potent Objects playfully examines the way we ascribe emotion to inanimate technologies. The work parallels current research in ‘affective computing,’ in which the capability of sensing and conveying emotion is built into computing devices. (Work by Camille Utterback)

Potent Objects by Camille Utterback


A Simple Cup

April 22nd, 2009

Visualizing the impact a simple cup can have on our environment

According to, over 6.5 million trees are consumed each year to produce the 16 billion disposable coffee cups that are being thrown away out into landfills. For about every 50,000 paper coffee cups produced, a tree is destroyed. Read more »

Data Visualizations from the Museum of Natural History

March 24th, 2009
RAP (Robot Action Painter) - creates original paintings using a combination of random decisions and responses to its environment

RAP (Robot Action Painter) - creates original paintings using a combination of random decisions and responses to its environment

Last week I visited the Museum of Natural History in New York City and was amazed with all the data visualizations they put together for their displays. Ever since my visit to the museum, I have become addicted to designing my own data visualizations for different types of data sets. Click here to view some of the visualizations I photographed during my journey through the Museum of Natural History.

View the visualizations »

Puck Music: Electronic Hockey Puck

March 10th, 2009

Puck Music is a soundscape composed using hockey pucks and hockey sticks. Each hockey stick acts as a different musical instrument when they move the hockey pucks on the floor. I am presently working on this piece for my Dataflow Programming class at ITP.

The following are some images of the puck’s construction and the Pure Data syntax that I am using to program them:

View photos and documentation of the project »

Reading and Writing to the VDIP1 USB Host Controller using Arduino

March 4th, 2009

The VDIP1 USB host controller is a worthwhile extension module for anyone working with the Arduino microcontroller. The ability to integrate USB inputs/outputs with your Arduino microcontroller means that you can interface it with practically any USB device, creating even more exciting possibilities with Arduino. Another valuable integration feature that the module can provide is the ability to increase Arduino’s memory capacity using any USB memory drive.

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HIV Test Package Design

February 10th, 2009


The Joy of Technology

December 23rd, 2008

The Joy of Technology is a playful video installation that uses both humor and drama to emphasize our intimate relationship with technology. The satirical character inside the cardboard television set responds to the user’s operation of technology. An electronic razor grows hairs on his face, a pencil sharpener rotates him and tears his shirt, a stapler pokes staples onto his forehead and leaves shatters all over the television glass, and a blow-dryer rotates the screen. All these actions affect the character’s overall appearance once all the technologies are shut off. In addition, the character can also be placed into different settings by turning the television’s rotating knob. Some of the programming that the character is placed into includes a news broadcast, a courtroom and outdoor settings.
